Submit Your Infographic
Thank you for your interest in submitting with Cool Daily Infographics. Our infographics are of the highest quality and interest. We have 2 submission methods:
Basic Submission (FREE)
You may submit your infographics to C.D.I and our editors will review and post them to the site within 30 days, as long as we think your infographic is worth sharing, and all the guidelines are being met.The free submission will have a Nofollow link to your infographics original location.
Express Submission ($30)
Your infographic will be published within 48 hours (M-F) and will include up to 2 Dofollow links; one to the homepage and the other included in your description anchor text. Please use the form below to submit your infographic for review. You will receive an email when your infographic is live.
Submit your Express Infographic
- Cool Daily Infographics reserves the right to publish your infographic or not.
- We reserve the right to edit the information that is submitted including titles, descriptions and even linking URLs.
- Infographic submission requests are considered “contributions” to C.D.I., therefore contributors are not given author status. However, we do allow one link via anchor text in the description and a link below the posted infographic linking to the homepage.
- No porn, nudity, obscene objects or copyright graphic images.